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What is Scabies?

Scabies, Sarcoptes scabies var. It is a disease that can be transmitted from person to person, caused by the parasite called hominis. The entire life cycle goes through humans. It is a mite with 4 pairs of legs without eyes, also known as the flesh cutter. The male parasite dies after fertilization and the female parasite dies after laying eggs.

What are the clinical findings of scabies?

The most important clinical symptom of scabies is itching that occurs at night. It is especially affected between the fingers, wrists, nipples and genital area.

How is scabies transmitted?

Scabies is transmitted from person to person through close contact. Someone with scabies can transmit the disease to their family. However, transmission does not occur through short-term contact.

How is scabies diagnosed?

The diagnosis of scabies can be easily made by clinical and dermatoscopic examination in patients with typical night itching. In addition, dermatoscopic examination is an easy-to-apply method that is also used to determine whether the treatment is effective or not.

What are the drugs used in the treatment of scabies?

In the treatment of scabies, there are medications applied to the skin and pills taken orally. Medicines applied to the skin remain on your skin for a certain period of time, according to your doctor's recommendation, and are then washed off.

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